18km hiking in Honghua Lake,2018.7
2018 KTC basketball league,2018.11
Anti fraud series propaganda activities,2018.9
Classroom Cleaning Activity by the Huizhou KTC Volunteer Service Team,2018.5
Dinner party of Corporate Development Division,2018.9
KTC delegation takes part in Yanda Cup Labourers’ Fun Games hold, Mar, 2018
KTC Huinan factory held the fire drill in the second half of 2018,2018.11
KTC Huizhou football team won runner-up in 3rd session Yanda Cup football match
Outdoor training of Purchasing dept.,2018.12
Performance on annual meeting of Corporate Development Division, Jan 2018
Shenzhen International Marathon 2018,2018.12
Spring hiking hosted by party branch in KTC Industry Park, Mar 2018
The 2017 annual work summary and award ceremony of KTC Group,2018.2
The fire drill of the second half of 2018 was held in Bantian Factory,2018.11
Tour of KTC Commercial Technology in Chengdu, Sichuan ,2018.9
Tour of KTC Commercial Technology in Xian, Shanxi ,2018.9
Two days tour of Corporate Development Division in Guangdong QingYuan,2018.12
Two days tour of Property Dept. in Huizhou XiaChong,2018.8
Voluntary blood donation activities,2018.7